transform drama &

embody relational resilience


In Person @Nyland, Boulder County CO

Mondays 6:00 - 7:15pm MT

June 24th - July 15th


about this workshop series

After 25+ years of study, tons of practice, and a lot of facilitation and teaching in both relational skills and embodiment practices, DralaFly founder karta elise allred has developed new maps with approachable practices to empower anyone who is willing and ready to Transform Drama & Embody Relational Resilience. 


  • Four 75-minute sessions, once a week for five weeks aka. traction!

  • Discounted registration for “buddies” aka. any pair — couples, siblings, fam, friends, etc.

  • An orientation to the relational landscape map and ongoing exploration of this terrain.

  • A truly integrative approach that isn’t just conceptual — we work with embodiment for real traction.

  • A safe container to explore emotional regulation and learn techniques to meet the tough ones.

  • Each session weaves 5 key elements:

    • conceptual downloads to make sense of the terrain

    • approachable embodiment and movement practices

    • time to practice with self and others

    • time for questions and discussion

    • simple “homework” practices to integrate in between sessions

  • BONUS Telegram Group for ongoing practice, support and camaraderie.

  • Offered VIRTUALLY to welcome folks from anywhere; sessions will be recorded and available after.

  • If you are local and interested in an IN PERSON option at Nyland, reach out via contact to LMK!

Designed to shift your relationship to drama and conflict, facilitate a deeper relationship with yourself and empower you to show up authentically, courageously and compassionately with others, not to mention the wider world. Your truth is needed here. Learn how to bring it and meet others in doing the same.

expected benefits

This workshop series will jump-start you on the journey to embodied skills and increased capacity to navigate the challenges and celebrate the greatest gifts in relationships.

Empowered Communication: Develop the confidence to ask for what you truly want or need in a way that honors both yourself and others.

Embodied Practices: Integrate embodiment techniques that turn theoretical concepts into lived, practical skills you can use in real life.

Team Dynamics: Transform team and community interactions, leading to increased productivity, creativity, and harmony.

Conflict Resolution: Shift entrenched relationship dynamics and resolve longstanding issues or new challenges as they arise, with ease.

Authentic Relating Embodied: Move beyond intellectual understanding to fully embody and actively practice these skills.

Holistic Transformation: Experience profound personal and relational growth, leading to more fulfilling and harmonious relationships with loved ones, friends, family, neighbors, colleagues and anyone in your life.

Authentic Expression: Gain the ability to express your true feelings and needs confidently and clearly.

Conflict Navigation: Develop skills to navigate conflict and approach difficult conversations with more calm and clarity, reducing reactive behaviors.

Genuine Connection: Experience a deeper sense of belonging and connection in your relationships, communities and teams.

Effective Feedback: Learn to give compassionate feedback that is more likely to be well-received and lead to positive change.

Pattern Shifting: Break free from recurring drama and dysfunctional patterns in significant relationships.

Self-Regulation: Learn how to recognize and work with the fight/flight/freeze response, and increase your ability to stay calm and centered when things get intense, avoiding shutdowns or explosive reactions.


  • The Drala✧Fly curriculum offers a unique, integrative and practical approach to transforming drama and embodying relational resilience. 25 years in the making, we weave the best of complementary disciplines:

    • authentic relating

    • group dynamics

    • living systems thinking

    • social-emotional learning

    • emotional intelligence

    • skillful communication

    • servant leadership

    • adult attachment

    • the drama triangle

    • mindfulness

    • embodiment

    • movement culture

    • dance as medicine

    • qigong

    Specific modalities we’ve trained in and are indebted to in building a new map for embodying this terrain include:

    • NonViolent Communication (NVC)

    • MatrixWorks :: Groups as Living Systems

    • Authentic Relating Training & The Realness Project

    • Trauma Informed Somatic Psychotherapy

    • Ecopsychology

    • Rites of Passage

    • The Conscious Leadership Group

    • The 360 Emergence

    • 5Rhythms

    • Qi Gong

    • Vedic Meditation

  • The Drala✧Fly curriculum is an approachable and practical synthesis of many modalities into a helpful map and great tools ready to implement. Rooted in 25+ years of study and practice, I’ve done the work and you get the benefit of an integrative and embodied approach to relationships.

    Here are the highlights of what we’ll cover:

    • mapping the terrain of conflict & drama

    • how to catch yourself and shift!

    • nervous system regulation

    • embodiment practices to get the concepts into practice and action

    • essential communication skills we were never taught!

    • how to navigate when conflict arises

    • how to effectively communicate your experience and share what’s real for you

    • how to listen and receive this from another

    • how to clarify boundaries - when to lean in and when to let it go

  • We will always do a brief mindfulness/embodiment practice to land and drop in together, and then I will guide you through visual maps and concepts, mixed with discussion and embodiment practices to integrate the learning. We’ll also get to practice in dyads or small groups. Buddying up will be encouraged for better traction between sessions. And of course, there will be time for connection and questions throughout. And you’ll also have “homework” to practice in between sessions.

  • In modern western culture, we spend so much time in our heads! But there is so much intelligence in our bodies, and this is where the conceptual learning becomes actionable and transformation takes root.

    EMBODIMENT could be anything from simple mindful breathing to getting up and doing some guided qi gong, gentle movement, shaking or vocalizing. You are always welcome to participate as you feel comfortable, annnd there’s also good reason these practices work — so it’s encouraged to lean in if it’s newer for you ;-)

  • As a unique synthesis resulting in a fresh new modality, the Drala✧Fly curriculum is rooted in embodiment and designed to make the frameworks and skill building easier to integrate into everyday life. And, like so many approaches throughout history, it is built on lots of great work that came before. We always give credit where it’s due and honor predecessors and sources when appropriate. Heck, we may even encourage you to go to their workshops too!

  • 75 minutes both zoom and in person, and if possible, we recommend having some buffer time afterwards in order to integrate, and gracefully transition into whatever is next in your day or evening.

  • $277 for ONE SEAT / early bird $188

    $447 for 2 SEATS! / early bird $333 Because the learning is amplified in relationship. Couples, siblings, friends, family - any pairing will do and highly encouraged!

    NOTE we also want to make this accessible. Sliding scale and scholarships are available - don’t let money be a deterrent. Use the contact form to reach out directly and let’s talk!

Interested in coaching for individuals or partners support, or consulting and trainings for your team or community?

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